Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Caterpillar and her friends

Description of the place

In the garden of Inacap there is a large area of fresh green grass.  In the center there is a statue that reflects the serenity of a woman. We do not know who she is, but she seems nice. Beautiful flowers surround her and that place is populated by a number of different insects. In addition, there is a large majestic tree that covers them from the sun and wind. Nearby are some structures where some huge strangers sometimes rest. Despite all the great space is a place that is forbidden, strange noises are heard. Some have approached that place and they have told us that they have seen giant beings and they have seen how they get down from large ships.  No one dares to go there, because those who have gone there never return.


Protagonist: The Caterpillar: flabby body, fat, green, cheerful, gentle, dreamy.
The protagonist is a caterpillar with a flabby body which makes it look a very adorable but weak insect. It is as fat as it looks almost like a cheese soufflé, and it is bright green as much to camouflage perfectly on any tree. The caterpillar's personality represents all those good thing a which every being should have. It's cheerful, happy, friendly, kind, polite and charismatic. However, its main virtue is to be dreamy and always keep moving.

Antagonist: The Fly: Black, hairy, smelly, sneering, envious and grumpy.
The antagonist is a fly. It is black like its heart, hairy like a  horrific spider, and almost as smelly as a skunk. Its personality is completely opposite  to the caterpillar's; he is sneering, unkind, unfriendly, envious and grumpy, and Its main goal is to damage somebody's feeling to be satisfied.

Friend: The Cricket:  Bright body, red long antennae, wise, good  friend
The cricket is one of the caterpillar's bset friends. It is slim like a stick insect and has long arms and legs. Its whole body is bright brown, and on his head, it has two red long antennaes.  The cricket is wise, so he knows what to do when a friend is in danger. Besides, he is a good listener, trusting and supportive with everybody. He is a good friend.

Friend: Ladybug: small, friendly, innocent, tender.
The ladybird is another caterpillar's best friend. She is small like a marble, has a vivid red 
shell with white circles on it and two black little antennaes. Her personality was almost the 
same as caterpillar's, but a little more shy, innocent and tender. Nevertheless, she would do anything for her friend, the caterpillar.

Caterpillar and her friends

It was a beautiful spring day very early in the morning. As every day the caterpillar, cricket and ladybird go out to play soccer while the spider waved her cobweb and looked from 
afar because that kind of game were too childlike for her. Every time when the ball went away, the fly always kicked it to the forbidden place but all the rest went to rescue it except the caterpillar because she was too slow and couldn´t fly.

The caterpillar began to feel discriminated against because everybody could fly or leap great distances except her. She started to dislike the game especially when the fly flew screaming, “You fat you cannot fly” said the fly. The caterpillar has very sad cried and cried, trying to comfort he the little ladybird said nice things but it was not enough…
Ladybird: caterpillar don´t cry, you are gentle and kind and you look better when you smile
Caterpillar: to be a good insect is not enough for me because I can´t fly.
Cricket: take it easy caterpillar, someday you will fly. i'm sure about it.
Caterpillar: how do you know that? I´m so heavy and I crawl so slowly. How can I can fly being like this?
Cricket: be patient, your moment will come soon. Don´t despair.
Spider: hahahah! Don´t dream about what will never happen. What do you want wings for; I have no wings and I can fly yet.
Fly: spider don´t be silly. You must have wings to be happy. For example I have traveled around the world and tasted the most delicious garbage, mmmm, so ladybug stop encouraging that fat caterpillar because she will never fly.
Cricket: don´t tell her fat, you are no so attractive. Anyway despite your wings, anybody wants you. Let her dream of having wings, maybe someday her dream will become true.
Spider: ooohhh… look fly he says bad things about you hahahhaha ugly, alone and sad hahahahha
After while the caterpillar began to feel ill, something strange was happening to her. She felt pain and dizziness. She just wanted to sleep.  Her friend ladybug accompanied her until she fell into a deep sleep. No one knew what was wrong and for weeks she didn´t come to play.
One day there appeared in the garden a colorful and beautiful butterfly flying over the area; its brightly colored wings unfurled and caught the attention of everyone.
Ladybird: Look, look!! someone has come.
Spider: What are you doing here? Surely you only come to show off.
Fly: Who is coming? We do not want more bugs here!
Cricket: Don´t you recognize her?
All in unison: No, who is it?
Cricket:  I always told you that one day she would fly, it is our friend the caterpillar.
Butterfly (ex - caterpillar): Yes, I'm the caterpillar after waiting so I can finally fly and I'm not fat and heavy.
Spider (ranging): it cannot be, as you have changed, you are beautiful and can fly. I hate you more; I’m going to my web grrrrr.
Fly: god! Who’s going to think that it would turn into a butterfly, I cannot believe it.
Butterfly: while, the wait was long and difficult, it was worth it, thanks to cricket who told me to be patient, waited long enough and look like I can fly! Now let's play ball.

The End

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Carousel

When I was a child I always enjoyed riding the carousel. I imagined thousands of stories going rounds and round on those glorious magical horses. I enjoyed riding in the evening in low light, by virtue of my enjoyment of the illuminated scenes with their many flashing lights doing their own show. The lights began in the foundation, shining all around, up to the high ceiling, red, white and yellow flashes calling everyone's attention; inviting children to ride the carousel. But the best without doubt the horses galloping swiftly, reaching their destination. The horses were magical, unexpected colors, dazzling frames helped to achieve the task, to forget reality. Psychedelic colors flashed on the carousel. I never understood why these horses were pierced from the bottom to the top by a long pole. At first I thought they were to attach, but I understood that they had to be secured to the carousel, as only wild horses had those colors and owners wouldn’t let them escape. The horses had pretty good muscle power, and whinnying could be heard loudly and clearly. Where have they found horses? Surely on a trip brave hunters found these wandering horses and brought to the carousel so that even if it is for only 10 minutes, children can ride and feel the wild gallop in their dreams!