Friday, December 20, 2013

Comic Romance

 This is a story about a 15 years marriage, in which the man (Charles) was at home, but he was supposed to be at work. He needed to meet his wife (Chelsea) to tell her a horrible thing that had just happened to him.
Chelsea has always wanted to have children, but Charles is prepared to have them, for he preferred to be focused in his career. Secondly, there has never been any possibility to join the whole family, because Chelsea has never tolerated Charles’ mother (Alice), although he loves his mother more than anything. Thirdly, Chelsea makes him choose between her or his mother and sister (Cloe) each time they discuss.
Another character is Robert, who is Chelsea’s father and wished to get rid of Charles, for he thinks she deserves someone better than him. 

Charles:  Hello, honey. I’m at home! Is there anybody here?...( anybody asked) This is strange…she should be here?
Chelsea: (Entering the house)…And you? What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be at home right now?
Charles: But sweetie, I came to have lunch with you. You must be happy for that. 
Chelsea: It’s not that…it is only that I am surprised.
Charles: Where were you?
Chelsea: Ehm…I don’t know if I should tell you?
Charles: What are you hiding? I’m so intrigued.
Chelsea: Ohm…Yes. There is something I haven’t told you.
Charles: Tell me now.  I’m getting scared about that.
Chelsea: Well, I haven’t told you because I was not sure, but now I am.
Charles: We have spent fifteen years together…why are you hiding the truth? Perhaps there is someone else, it there? 
Chelsea: Yes, there is someone else…
Charles: But how? What happened? When?
Chelsea: Take it easy…
Charles: …I cannot be quiet!
Chelsea: Look me in the eyes…I love you, and that person is coming is our child. I’m pregnant!
Charles: What? How? Ha?
Chelsea: That’s right. After all the effort we did, it happened at last. In fact, the doctor told me that it could happen when you stop trying!
Charles: I’m glad to know that there is no other man…What a relief! But…
Chelsea: What’s wrong with you? Maybe you are not happy…
Charles: Yes…No…
Chelsea: No? But this is what we have always wanted, honey!
Charles: Well, but there is something you need to know…
Chelsea: What?
Charles: Actually, I didn’t come to have lunch only…I was fired today!
Chelsea: How? You serious?  And what are we going to do now?
Charles: Be quiet. I’ll think about that.

(They huge each other)
After 2 days…
Chelsea: (Opens the door) Hello, mother in law…What a surprise!     
Alice: Hello, dear!
Chelsea: Hi, Cloe. Come in.  
Cloe: Wait! Don’t close the door!
Chelsea: Is anyone else coming?
Alice: Yes! The moving van!
Chelsea: What?
Charles: Mom! Sister! Good to see you both.
Chelsea: What is happening here?
Alice: Take it easy, sweetie. Charles told us the problem and we came to help you immediately.
Chelsea: To help us? How? What are those stuffs?
Cloe: We came to live with you, and we will pay the rent while we stay here.
Alice: Your house is too big, and you’ll need help, especially now that you are pregnant.
Chelsea: But Charles!
Charles: What’s wrong? Don’t you like the idea?
Chelsea: Why did you not tell me before?
Alice: Dear, I think you don’t have any choice.
Chelsea: It is my house! You could ask me before doing this
Charles: But honey, it’s my family!
 Alice: Of course. And it is time to stop discussing, the decision is already done. Now, I’m starving...
Cloe: Me too! What do you have for lunch?
Chelsea: Bread with butter.
Cloe: Are you crazy? Don’t you have anything else to offer us?
Chelsea: No, that’s all.
Charles: Hey sister…what are you in the mood for?
Chelsea: I said there is anything else!!!
Charles: ehm…but maybe we can go to the supermarket to buy something delicious in order to celebrate your arrival.
Chelsea: No. I prefer to save money…my house, my rules!
Alice: I’m going to pay for living here, so it is my home too.
Chelsea: Charles…this is not going to work.
Charles: But…but…
Chelsea: You’ll have to choose. It is your mother or me!
Charles: Honey, please don’t make me choose…
Chelsea: Right.
Charles: What are you doing? Why are you taking your purse? Where are you going?
Chelsea: To live with my parents! It will be the best solution.
Charles: But…but…the baby…our dreams...our marriage…think about that!!!
Chelsea: You’ve already decided. It is clear. And about the baby…you can see it in 9 more moths.

(Ding dong, rings the doorbell again)
Chelsea: (Opens the door)
Robert: Hello, daughter! I was near here and I decided to come to see you.
Chelsea: Great. It is the best moment you could come.
Robert: Why? And what’s happening here? Why are there so many people in your house?

Charles: Father in law! She wants to leave me. Help me please, I don’t deserve this?

Chelsea: You don’t deserve it? Hey, you chose to live with your family instead save our marriage!!
Robert: Is that truth? Well, if that is his decision, you better come to live with me.

Chelsea: And that is what I’ll do right now. So, good bye Charlie, it was a pleasure to meet you.
Charles: If you go out of this house, I’m not going to follow you, and it will be the end of our…
Chelsea: (Slams the door and goes with her father)

And they lived mooched off their parents FOREVER…

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Infomercial: Stress Away

This class was so funny. We had to create an advertisement for strange objects and try to sold it. So I will write what my group and I developed.

Are you tired of finger pain? Do you have problems to fill an online report?

We have the solution. We present the new "Stress Away". This extraordinary and unique massage device that makes you forgive that annoying pain. You only have to slide the Stress Away across your fingers and the hurt will dissapear. Your boss will be enchanted with you professionalism and dedication.

Our phone-in customer service facility is 4-047-301-002. So call now, our operators are waiting for you and you will receive a product developed for your satisfaction.  

Animal Farm

by George Orwell


SETTING: The novel is set in Hertfordshire, where Orwell lived, wrote, tended his garden, and kept poultry. Though the setting is the South of England, it is not stressed in the story, but serves only as a background. The farm…….


Old Major  -An old boar that dreams of a better life and incites the animals to overthrow man. He is the
inspiring force behind the Rebellion and founding of Animal Farm.
Snowball  -A young, intelligent, persuasive, and important boar known for his oratory skills. He is expelled
by Napoleon.
Napoleon -An ambitious, power-hungry, ruthless and eminent boar who stoops to any level to gain his goal.
Boxer  -A big, powerful, honest, and devoted carthorse who does not have many brains but always comes
forward whenever any hand work is needed.
Clover  -A motherly mare who is trulyconcerned about the welfare of the animals. She has a good shoulder to cry on and is a source of strength and confidence, especially to Boxer.
Benjamin -A cynical, skeptical donkey who believes everything remains the same with………


The conflictin  Animal Farmis really between Marxist Socialism (Old Major) and Russian Communism
(Napoleon) as represented by the two attitudes expressed by the two different groups in the novel.
Protagonist  -  The protagonist is the group of common animals searching for a utopian world and largely
represented by characters like Old Major and Snowball and supported by the 'proletariat'.
Antagonist -  The antagonist is the combination of all the forces acting against such an idealistic world, largely represented by the power-hungry Napoleon and his henchman, Squealer.
Climax  -  The ultimate climax is reached when Napoleon changes Animal Farm into a republic and elects
himself President, assuring the maintenance of his seized power. The result of Napoleon’s……..

Mr. Jones, the owner of Manor Farm, has not been a very responsible farmer. Of late, he has taken to drinking and tends to neglect his farming chores. His careless attitude makes Old Major, the Berkshire boar, incite the animals to rise up against Jones. The boar calls for a meeting to explain his dream for the farm animals. Although Old Major does not narrate the dream, he does explain the ill treatment given to them by man and the dreary and deplorable life they are leading on the farm. He also inspires the animals with his song 'Beasts of England.' The inspired animals seize their very first opportunity to oust Mr. Jones and rename the farm as “Animal Farm”. They inscribe their laws, seven commandments, on the barn-wall. Napoleon and Snowball ……..


Major Theme
The major theme of the novel is the sad triumph of evil over good. The animals try to create a utopia, a
paradise where society brings out and develops the best in a being. Unfortunately, the animals that gain
control of Animal Farm begin to act in a manner similar to the humans that they had kicked off the farm. At
the end of the novel, the pigs cannot be distinguished from the humans.

Minor Theme
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is another theme of  Animal Farm. When the animals seize control of the farm, the leaders are corrupted by their power. Allegorically, Orwell is ……….

The mood varies from the comic to the tragic, with the overall mood being one of tension. The whole story is filled with irony and bitter sarcasm.


George Orwell was the pen name of an English writer, Eric Blair. He was born in Motihari, Bengal in India in 1903, the second child of an Anglo-Indian family. At the age of eight, he was sent to boarding school in
England. After winning a scholarship, Orwell went to Eton, where he studied from 1917 to 1921 and was
exposed to liberal and socialist ideas. From 1922 until 1927, he served in the Indian Imperial Police in Burma; he resigned  because the climate affected his health and because he believed that the British rule in Burma was unjust. He returned to Europe to pursue a writing career and first lived in Paris and then London. At first he could not find a publisher for his works. Asa result, he led a life of poverty, doing odd jobs to…….

An allegory is a series of metaphors or symbols continued throughout an entire story so as to represent or
describe one series of facts by using another that is analogous to its main features. 'Animal Farm' is intended to be an allegory of Russian history from 1917-1943, including the period of World War I, the Economic Policy Plan, and the first Five Year Plan. All the characters of 'Animal Farm' parallel figures in……..

Animal Farm  =    History of Russia
Old Major’s philosophy  =    The philosophies of Marx and Lenin
Animalism  =    Communism
Other Animals  =    Bolsheviks (common people )
Mr. Jones  =    Czar of Russia
Seven Commandments    =    Communist Manifesto
Skull of Old Major  =    Lenin's body
Old Major's death  =    Lenin's death followed by struggle for power
Windmill Construction  =    Russian construction of steel mills and electric plants
Napoleon's sale of timber to Frederick  =    Stalin entered into a non-aggression pact with
Hitler's Germany
Frederick's declaration of war on  =    Hitler's declaration of war on Russia
Animal Farm
Windmill destroyed, animals died  =    Stalingrad destroyed
Sugarcandy  =    In 1944 Stalin wrote letters to Pope to conduct services
Napoleon's entertaining of humans in the farmhouse =Different meetings between Stalin and Churchill in Russia, Inc. Copyright ã1997-1999, All Rights Reserved
Distribution without the written consent of, Inc. is strictly prohibited