Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What does being a good person?

Being good means having daily behaviors consistent with others. Think of the other, being supportive and polite. Remember that we live in society and we are not alone. The characteristics that a good person should possess are:
Be polite, for example giving good morning, good night, greet the neighbors if you run into them in the building or the street, to your co-workers to get to the office, a “hello how are you?" requires no effort and will not take more than two seconds to pronounce it. Be grateful, in situations when someone has taken the trouble to do you a favor, to do something for you, to help you, to fulfill a request let them know that notes with a simple “thank you”. Board this will make you look like a rude and many like a bad person.

Share with the people you love and appreciate, be kind to them and plan quality time with these people important to you. To be a better person tries to be more available to the other: when your mother calls you to tell you what happened when someone needs help even a stranger on the street asking for an address where you can handle anything invests about minutes of your day to be available to the other and listen or do a favor. For many it is easy to be friendly with who treats you well but the real challenge is to be with those who constantly show their rudeness. It is clear that there are limits but often polite greeting or a kind gesture is the best way to show the other’s behavior without the need to act like it. Try to be a good person or at least not be mean to those who are not so nice to you.

Practice being more patient in everyday life: while you’re in line at the supermarket, with the elderly, with your parents, your children. When a situation you try to put the limit breathe and blow, often unfairly exploit the undeserving who accumulated stress, avoid it and try to be a better person. We must not confuse kindness with stupidity. Some people think that people kind, noble and help the other are stupid, be polite and be accessible when you need not compromise at all our intelligence, learn to be intuitive and know when someone wants to take advantage of you and when you really need your help.

What is conduct?
In the dictionary of psychology is that in Latin, the term “behavior” comes from “conductus” meaning “driving” and basically refers to how an organization is conducted in relation to others, as a moral norm, social or cultural background. It also refers to the global behavior of a particular social group in their relationship to others. It is sometimes used as a synonym for behavior, but it is wrong to do so, because the conduct involves a conscious activity, observable and repeatable.

What is behavior?
Is the way forward that people have in relation to their environment stimuli. This can be conscious or unconscious, voluntary or involuntary, public or private, depending on the circumstances affecting the organism.

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